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CAHA Golie development page

Another wonderful day of Goalie Clinics in Cadillac with Lori Seguin(far right) and Brian Hearold(far left)

Goalie 101

Goalies 101

STANCE - The single most important thing for a goalie.
All movements; c-cuts, shuffles, t-pushes, etc. revolve around a good stance.

Let's start from the ice up -

Feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
 IF NOT...our feet get too wide and we lose our side to side mobility and get stuck in one spot.  When our feet are too close together we lose balance and power.
Balance on the inside edge, weight on the balls of our feet.
  IF NOT...we get on our heels and we are going to lose quickness and mobility.

We bend our knees and get them out over our toes.
  IF NOT...we lose mobility and we are slower to the butterfly and lose the ability to explode out to challenge the puck.

Back straight, chest up with a little bit of a forward lean (like you are sitting in an invisible chair).

Now hands...hands out in front of our body.  No double coverage, be aware that our blocker is not overlapping our leg pad.  Our glove is out in front.
By keeping our hands in front of us, it ensures that we will keep the rebound in front of us. It makes tracking pucks into our glove easier.

Stick flat on the ice covering the 5 hole (space between feet on the ice)
Head up, eyes always on the puck.
These are the fundamentals for a good goalie stance.

I've been listening to players make all kinds of excuses why they don't practice. "I don't have weights or access to a gym", "My coach doesn't do off ice training", "My mom can't take me to a gym", "I don't have time." Well, as mom used to say, "Where there's a will, there's a way." If you want to advance bad enough, you'll find a way to succeed. Positive self talk and positive motivating phrases will keep you focused and give you confidence to move forward in your development. Take a look at the article below.  If you walk away with anything after reading this, I hope you have a better understanding of how important practice is to your development and the impact practice makes to get you to the next level. ~ Coach Seguin

Motivation and inspiration

To view the article visit this link